Friday, July 24, 2015

Paranormal Update

OK. Before you guys go to yelling at me for not working on the book this morning, let me explain myself. There have been a few things going on that I would like to update for you. 

The other day I had been working on this book most of the morning. Marty came home from work just after lunch due to the heat. He and I decided to take an afternoon nap, as I am usually exhausted after writing and he was drained from the hot sun. When he and I lay down, two of our dogs got on the bed with us. Luke, a pit bull hybrid lays at my feet on my side of the bed. Levi, a Boston Terrier, thinks he's a cat, so he sleeps in between mine and Marty's pillows. No dogs ever get under the cover, they always sleep on top. After we had lain down, Marty said his leg started burning like it was on fire. (He didn't mention this at the time.) He said it was hard for him to fall asleep due to the burning pain in his leg. After we got up, he showed me three bright red long scratches down his leg. It had to have happened after we lay down. Before that he had taken a shower and then had been reading at his computer. There was no way he could have gotten scratched like that and not  noticed it. If any of you has ever had this type of scratch then you know how intense the pain is.

The day before yesterday, I had taken a morning shower, shampooed my hair and settled in to do some writing. I kept feeling a hair tickling my left arm. I know I reach over and brushed my arm quite a few times. I didn't notice it then, but it started on my right arm. I brushed this away a few times too. It wasn't until later that day that I noticed just how frequent this was happening. As I was cooking dinner that evening, I noticed that I kept brushing this "hair" off of my arm, to the point of, I actually went and changed my clothes.. Then I noticed when it started on the other arm. (Being in the kitchen preparing food made me pay more attention to a possible hair being on my arm.) I didn't say anything to anyone as I thought all along I had this unseen hair harassing me. Looking back now I realize just how much this was happening that I  didn't pay attention to. It was when I noticed Cari brushing her hand down her arm that I put two and two together. I watched as she did this quite a few times, just like I had. I gave it a while before I said anything. But then she too realized just what was going on. So last night, I saw Marty doing the same thing as we were all sitting out in the yard. I asked him if he had walked through a spider web. He said it felt like it, but it had actually been bothering him all day! I have absolutely no explanation for this. I can't say that it is anything paranormal, as I just don't know. But I did find it strange how it affected all of us at roughly the same time. ( I reach up and brush my hand down my left arm.)

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