Sunday, October 4, 2015

Shadow People

There isn't a lot known about shadow people, some people say they are ghosts, some say interdimensional beings, Some say they are time travelers and some say aliens, but what everyone seems to agree on is that they have a very evil energy and the sightings of these malevolent forces are on the rise. Here are a few stories you may enjoy. And if you have had an encounter with a shadow person, please let me know, you just may be featured in my next book or an upcoming article.

Darker Than the Night
by Bonnie S.

When I was around eight years old, I saw something so unexplainable, but it still frightens me today.

It was night time and I was trying to sleep. I've had insomnia my entire life, so the act of going to sleep was a feat in itself. I'd close my eyes, and try to lull myself to dream, but always end up opening them again because I needed some stimulation. One night, I opened my eyes and I saw a shape of a man that was blacker than night. He was leaning up against a stability pole in my room. I could feel him staring at me though he didn't have eyes to see with. I was so terrified, but I couldn't get my eyes off of him. I swear on my life, even though my room was dark, he was even darker and I got this horrible feeling over me that I still feel today whenever I talk about it. (I actually have chills right now, and I keep looking behind me because he knows I'm talking about him.)

I quickly covered myself with my blankets and started hyperventilating. For hours, I could still feel him there until eventually exhaustion took over me and I feel asleep.

I didn't tell anyone what happened until my boyfriend and I started talking about the paranormal one day. I told him what happened, and he got dead silent. He completely believed what I told him because he had seen the same image when he was at that age in his bedroom. He also said it was a male figure and mistook it as his father at first. He said the same things; that he was blacker than the dark and it just kept staring... I am twenty years old and I'm still afraid of the dark. I cannot go into a room unless it's lit, I have someone watch me walk to my car when it's dark, and I still sleep with the light on. I'm so afraid that I'm going to see this apparition again. It gets easier as I grow older, but I hope I never see him again.


I live in Madison, Wisconsin in Dane county. My apartment is across from a large cemetery, which I used to take walks through. I saw a black shadow ghost three times in my apartment. Twice staring at me around a corner wall and then hiding when I looked at it. I saw it once in my bedroom standing on the side of my bed staring at me.

Before this, lights turned off by themselves, my bedroom door opened by itself, my drapes moved for five minutes with the window shut and no drafts, and my toaster pushed down by itself.

My boyfriend, who lives with me, never believed in ghosts until now. I leave more lights on now and I told it to go away and prayed and I have not seen or heard anything since 2010. think it has something to do with living across from a cemetery and taking walks through it. I saw three times a tall dark shadow man. It darts behind walls, and when it saw me staring at it, it hid. When I was in bed, it ran around the bed and vanished down into the floor.

My boyfriend said one night he dreamed a black shadow man was going to choke him, but I think it really happened and was not a dream. I feel it is a man shadow ghost and likes me but not him.


My own encounter with a shadow person. We already knew there was something evil in our home. And I believe we had already called in a team of paranormal investigators.The evil energy seemed to be permeating from the back room in our home. My husband and I had started down the hall late one evening, after spending time watching TV with the family. As he and I walked down the hall to the bathroom, something dark zoomed quickly past us. It seemed to want to beat us down the hall! My heart skipped a beat and I felt that sudden surge of adrenaline that you get from being scared. My husband asked if I had just seen that. I answered no, as I didn't want to talk about this shadow right before I went to bed. Luckily my husband didn't push the issue and we discussed it the next morning.We both had seen the same thing and assumed it had been watching the family as we sat together and watched TV. For some reason, we had caught it off guard and if felt as if it had to rush back to its hiding place.

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