Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Missing Time

Missing time is a gap in conscious memory identified with a certain time period. This gap can span a few minutes to a few hours to a few days in length. Memories of instances occurring during that time period often have to be retrieved by hypnosis or through dreams. An individual experiencing missing time will be performing an every-day task or traveling somewhere. He will glance at the time. At some point, this person will “awaken”, check the clock and notice some minutes or hours have passed during which he has no memory or awareness.

When I look up Missing Time, everything goes straight to Alien Abduction. I don't understand why this is. Couldn't there possibly be another explanation? I don't feel that the two always have to tie into one another. Maybe It could be a portal, a vortex. Maybe two dimensions have overlapped at this certain time. I think when we dive straight into alien abduction we are limiting ourselves. I feel that there have to be other possibilities. Let me share a couple of stories about missing time before I explain to you why I feel this way...

(1).This event occurred to me at least twelve years ago, and I still don’t know what happened.
Driving home from a Friday night shift at the newspaper, my car’s cruise control set on 55 mph, I drove by a road sign I’ve driven by hundreds of times. It reads, “Orrick: 5 Miles.” Just as I went by, the Rolling Stones “Gimme Shelter” came on the radio.
Perfect. I lived in Orrick, Missouri, at the time, and “Gimme Shelter” was not only my favorite Rolling Stones tune, it was also four minutes, thirty-seven seconds long, which would last me all the way home.
Then my drive fell out of reality.A pull on the car engine snapped me out of the road hypnosis that had overtaken me. It took me a few seconds to realize that pull was the cruise control trying to keep the speed steady up a hill. The trouble was there were no hills between that road sign and my turnoff. Looking out the window didn’t help; a thick fog had enveloped the car and I could barely see the dotted line on the road. I slowed the car and drove up two more hills before I saw a light piercing through the fog.
Turning onto a gravel road toward the light, I found myself in the parking lot of a Jehovah’s Witness church and knew where I was – five miles on the other side of my turnoff. As I sat in the parking lot, my car in park, trying to figure out how I missed the exit, I heard something I couldn’t believe. “Gimme Shelter” still played on the radio. It continued to play for another minute and a half.
After I calmed a bit, I put the car in gear, pulled back onto the highway and went home. The fog quickly dissipated. I’d driven ten miles in three minutes at 55 mph. That wasn’t possible. What happened to me?

(2). Around 3 in the morning. I see a cluster of lights in the sky. I am talking on the phone with a girl that I work with. The only reason that I saw the cluster n the sky is that the lights in my living room were off. I notice that not only are the lights too close together, but they are moving sort of the way that a water balloon does, bulging out here and there. I think that at first I am looking at stars, but realize that the stars are too close together and blinking intermittently and not at the same time.

I go out on my balcony. I live on the top floor of my building. The only thing over me is the roof. I look straight up into the sky and notice that I am directly under the cluster of stars. I feel a sense of awe. Not because it is close to me or anything, but because I realized that the space surrounding the cluster is particularly dark. I KNOW that I am looking at something much bigger than it looked, but only the center bottom of the thing was barely visible.

I went back inside and told my friend that I had to call the police because I was staring at a UFO. She said to go ahead and call her back. I called the police and sure enough, they did not believe me. I panicked. I then thought that I would call some people in my building so that I could get them to come out and look as well but because it was late nobody wanted to.

Now I was desperate. My son and I were having a slumber party out in the living room and he was asleep since it was so late.

I grabbed the yellow pages and looked for a UFO organization. I found something under something called, "UFO Services", I called the number and got an answering machine. I called my girlfriend back and we discussed it. She believed me and even tried to get a look on her balcony, but that was not possible as she lives all the way across town.

As I was talking to her in the darkened room, I looked to the walls around the window where some street light was coming in. With me moving around and dialling people, my son woke up. I suddenly saw the walls around the window change from golden yellow to a type of orange. This frightened my son and me tremendously. We immediately dropped to the ground and crawled while under he blanket to my bedroom which had a window in the same direction as the one that we were looking out of previously.

I phoned my girlfriend again and told her that this was getting too freaky. Now my son was awake and stayed under the blanket in my bed in order not to see anything else. He was scared. I took the phone and walked to the window. I was so happy. In spite of the fact that the police did not come out to see what my problem was, I felt that someone believed me as far ahead in the distance, I could see what appeared to be a helicopter light in the distance. It seemed to have a bright headlight in the front and I thought that it was just sitting far enough away from the cluster of stars overhead so that it could observe it.

In the next few minutes, I became greatly relaxed. It seemed that the lights were under observation. As I stood in the window, I helicopter actually did come right by the front of my window. I thought that this was unusual, because it came so low and I did not think that they were allowed to do that.

Anyway, things started to happen now. The cluster of stars seemed to slowly be moving overhead of the building. As it was doing so, the headlight in the distance started moving inwards toward my window. I was so happy because someone else besides myself and my son had obviously seen this.


When the light came closer towards my building, I realized to my horror that my window was open! That light that I had thought was a helicopter was not making any sound whatsoever. In fact, it slowly turned in circles and after the first turn, I realized that there was nothing in the back of it. No propeller, no sound, no nothing, just a light.

That was too much for my son and me. We climbed into my bed and peeked at the thing just shining in the sky.

My son looked for a minute at a time and then he hid under the blanket. By now, the ufologist had called me back and was listening to me describe what we were seeing. As I looked at the light, I spoke with him.

That was when it happened. I got a message. In my mind very quickly I go information. Something was trying to communicate with me. not to have any type of conversation, but to sort of see if I was aware of them. The second that the sensation started, I knew that they knew I was watching. My eyes were on the light, and for the life of me I could not tear them away. I was locked on them. I started trying to tell the ufologist that they knew I was watching, but it all happened so fast that all I could get out of my mouth was: "They know-ow-ow-woo!". I went into a seizure. It threw my body flat in the bed and each part of my body shook uncontrollably. The phone in my hand fell away as both my arms straightened at my sides.

My son was under the covers shouting now for me to stop. I couldn't. I was awake, but not able to get control of myself. I was aware of what was going on, but short of breath. I could also feel a type of probing of my abdomen during this seizure-type of behavior. I got a glimpse of them, (however I don't trust the image that I have of them, it came much too fast.)

My son threw the covers off of himself and saw me flat on my back shaking. He started shouting at me not to look. "Don't look mom! Don't look mom!" I couldn't tear my eyes away. He then jumped right on top of me to block my vision and he even covered my eyes. I slowly stopped shaking. He picked up the phone and started talking to the ufologist. I couldn't talk again for the longest time. I was so out of breath. He was very worried and had an extra extension in the house which he was going to use to call 911 to sent them to my house.

I had never had a seizure before and didn't even realize that this is what it probably might have been. He said that there are usually only three things that cause them: high fever, epilepsy, and high electrical activity to the brain.

After that had happened he asked me some questions regarding how afraid I was. He wanted to see to the best of his knowledge if perhaps I was just so afraid that I just brought the behavior on myself. I assured him that I had been staring out the window so long that theory didn't seem possible.

Anyway, it was near morning. The ufologist stayed on the phone with my son and me for hours. I watched the light for an extremely long time. I still had tremors occasionally that night. They were very small and seemed to be small reactions to the bigger tremors that I had experienced earlier that night.

As morning approached, the light in the sky moved in slow circles. it had two or three prongs resembling elephant tusks which pointed down towards the earth as it turned. It behaved as if it could shift shapes in a fluid motion. At 5:30 AM in the morning, it was quite light out. There didn't seem to be any stars in the sky, except for an orange light terribly far in the distance. After 5:30 AM, the light started to move away. I had lost sight of the cluster of stars now, (it had slowly moved over the top of my building).

I thought that the episode had ended. I watched the light and described its movements to the ufologist as it drifted away from the building and went higher into the sky. That was when I saw that the orange light had been a third conspirator to the two previous. The first (white) light that I had been staring at all night slowly moved towards the orange light and from the point that I had been looking at it, it seemed to line itself up with the orange light that had seemed much farther away to the point that I couldn't see it. It seemed to be sitting behind the white light, (out of my vision). Then the white light picked up speed and as a pinpoint in the sky, it moved (not in a straight line), but from side to side slowly up, up into the sky to nothingness.

The whole procedure to leave took exactly 45 minutes (to 6:15 AM) and then it just wasn't there anymore. I continued to talk to the ufologist. It was then that he revealed to me that he had been taping our conversation the whole night after I took the "seizure".

After that episode, He came with his partner and they videotaped my recollection at my home. I showed him the windows where I saw these things happen with my son.

Now, the reason I don't feel that this is always tied into Alien Abduction is because of my own experience with missing time. If you noticed, the first story never mentioned strange lights or any mechanical interference That is similar to my story.

In October of 1984, our son was born. My husband and I were both just eighteen at the time and our first home was pretty small. Just two bedrooms. One afternoon, around four I had just nursed our young son and put him down for a nap. I sat down in the living room to talk with my husband before I had to get up and start dinner. I sat on the couch and he sat across the room in a chair. As we talked, I felt myself nod off to sleep. I am sure you know the feeling of nodding off and then jerking your head back up quickly. This is exactly what happened to me. But as I lifted my head, I saw my husband doing the same thing!  I apologized to him for falling asleep as he was talking. The odd part is he apologized for doing the same thing! That is when we noticed we had changed places, now I was in the chair and he was on the couch! We both turned to look at the clock hanging on the wall. In what had seemed like mere seconds, the time had jumped from four in the afternoon to eleven at night! The baby! We both jumped up and ran to his room, which was just on the other side of the living room wall. He was sound asleep, still on his stomach. with the thin cotton baby blanket covering him. It didn't appear as if he had moved at all!  I reach under his blanket and felt his diaper. Was he still dry? This just wasn't normal. He woke every three to four hours for feeding. And for him to have a dry diaper all this time was unheard of. But he was sleeping peacefully. After making sure our son was OK we went into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. We were both to shaken up to go to bed. Did I believe in Alien Abduction prior to this? No. Not at all. Do I believe now? I would have to say, I am still on the fence. I have no clue what happened that evening. Here is a list of the things we noticed.
We both seemed to fall asleep and wake up at the same time.
We had switched places.
The clock had continued to work.
Our son never woke up.
The blanket he slept under was not even wrinkled.
The baby's diaper was still dry after 7 hours.
None of us showed any physical or mental effects from what had happened.

This is why I feel that missing time does not have to be tied into UFO's, or Aliens.

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